Tony O'Hagan - SHELF: a Dirichlet method

A SHELF extension

Multivariate elicitation

The SHeffield ELicitation Framework (SHELF) is a package of documents, templates and software to carry out elicitation of probability distributions for uncertain quantities from a group of experts.

The current version (2.0) of SHELF does not include any materials to assist with eliciting a joint distribution for a set of uncertain quantities, because there is much less research and no accepted good practices in the area of multivariate elicitation. We intend to make a small start on remedying this situation in version 3.0 by introducing materials for a small number of particular cases where we propose good practice based on the principles already embodied in SHELF.

Elicitation for proportions

The first such case is for a set of proportions which must be non-negative and sum to one. One problem with multivariate elicitation is the sheer complexity of possible joint distributions. However, for a set of proportions there is one standard family of distributions, the Dirichlet family, that is a natural default choice. Provided the experts' beliefs can be adequately represented by a distribution in this family, then it is generally convenient to fit a Dirichlet to those beliefs.

A recent paper describes a method for eliciting a joint distribution for a set of proportions. It produces a Dirichlet fitted distribution where possible, but also identifies when the experts' beliefs will not be adequately represented by a member of that family.

The new Dirichlet package

The new materials are delivered as a Zip file; click here to download. The package comprises the following files.


The materials for the Dirichlet method are provisional and are not yet part of the official SHELF release. All materials on the SHELF website are made freely available, but they are nevertheless covered by copyright. They may be copied for the purposes of conducting elicitations, for private study or personal use. They may not be reproduced on any website, offered for sale or otherwise distributed without the written permission of either Tony O’Hagan or Jeremy Oakley. Further information about using SHELF and using the SHELF name are given in the Overview.doc document in the main SHELF package.
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Last updated: 14 March 2013
Maintained by: Tony O'Hagan